A common type of oral smokeless tobacco in the united states is moist snuff, and a small pinch is dipped out of the can and placed beside the gum, often behind the lower lip.
A type of smokeless tobacco made from finely ground or finely chopped tobacco leaves. They have different aromas and tastes and can be wet or dry. A moist snuff is usually placed in the mouth between the cheek and gums or behind the upper or lower lip. Snuff is inhaled through the nose. It contains nicotine and many harmful carcinogenic chemicals.
Frequent use of the same can lead to nicotine addiction and can cause cancer of the mouth, esophagus and pancreas. Snuff intake can also cause periodontal disease, heart disease, stroke and other health problems. The use of snuff is also known as "dipping."
Know more about moist snuff here
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Congress can override a veto by passing the act by a two-thirds vote in both the House and the Senate. (Usually an act is passed with a simple majority.) This check prevents the President from blocking an act when significant support for it exists.
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