The correct answer is Harlow.
Attachment theory focuses on the psychological phenomena that happen when we establish affective bonds with other people. The way we do this will be conditioned on how our parents related to us during childhood. Therefore, many times, if the relationship was not positive, some types of toxic relationships may end up or that end in emotional dependence.
Behavior therapy.
As the exercise explains, behavior therapy utilizes the principles of operant conditioning, classical conditioning, and/or observational learning to eliminate inappropriate and maladaptive behaviors. In other words, this therapy attempts to discover and seek those potentially self-destructive or unhealthy behaviors with the intention of changing them, as it believes that it is possible to change them.
Local: Many local businesses that are on the water during an algae bloom get less traffic at their store and have to deal with the fact that they are losing customers during this time.
State: Many tourists avoid the coast that has the algae bloom because getting in the water poses as a harm to them. Sometimes, if it gets too intense, the state might have to release algae bloom warnings that requires everyone to stay out of the water.
National: Some seafood comes from Florida and algae blooms can kill wildlife off, making it contaminated and unsafe for human consumption. This can hurt seafood sales around the nation.
The answer is : monocular depth
Monocular depth affect the perception that is held by an individual on<u> how far an object is located based on how big</u> the object look like in that individual's vision.
When the driver cross the railroad, the driver most likely thought that the train is still located far away form him/her because it looks small in the driver's perception. He misjudge it and caused the crash in the end.