Answer: workbook
A workbook is the file that holds several worksheets.
The worksheets within a workbook can communicate with each other within the workbook or with other workbooks and their worksheets.
A worksheet within a workbook holds cells that are defined by rows and columns. Worksheets within a workbook can removed and new worksheets can be added.
I believe the answer is B
var theDate = new DateTime (DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month, DateTime.Today.Day, hours, minute, second);
1. Hardware is the physical components that compose a system and provide physical quantity and quality to software applications and accomplish information processing tasks
2. Software is a program that carries out a set of instructions written in a programming language. It instructs a computer on how to carry out specific tasks. Programs can be saved permanently or temporarily.
3. Data may be mostly the raw resources used by information systems experts to give business intelligence to users. Traditional alphanumeric data, which is made up of numbers and alphabetical and other characters, is one type of data.
4. Networking is a resource of any computer system connected to other systems via a communications. It refers to the physical connections between all of the network's nodes. Communication networks are a critical resource component of all information systems, according to networking.
5. People are those who are directly or indirectly involved in the system. Direct users include developers, programmers, designers, and system administrators. Direct users can also be the stakeholder or end user who receives an output from the system. Indirect can be a manager who takes a brief check at the system to check that all criteria are satisfied.
6. Procedure is made up of stages or phases that result in an output. A method of continually receiving feedback on each part while analyzing the overall system by observing various inputs being processed or altered to create outputs.