Maybe like 3-5 I think im right
String word = "George slew the dragon";
int pos = word.indexOf("dr");
String drWord = word.substring(pos, pos+4);
Assuming dr is always there, we don't have to check the validity of 'pos'. Normally, you would!
The following options helps keep people from slipping on floors
A) Have the proper absorbents in an easy-to-find place to quickly put on spills : So that accidental little spills can be cleaned right away.
C) Wear slip-resistant footwear : It is a precautionary step to follow, no matter where we go.
D) Mark a slippery area with an easy-to-use tent sign that says " Caution, Slippery floor" : This allows people to be aware of the wet area and cross it cautiously.
Leaving oil and fluids to air dry thoroughly, takes a long time and there are chances that people step over it and slip.
So, the answer is
(B) Anytime oil or fluids are spilled on the floor, leave them to thoroughly air dry.
A: used by ISP's to filter out email SPAM
C: a way to help an individual focus on best choices when deciding what to watch or buy.
Collaborative filtering uses a community-based approach to filter spam. It works by collecting numerous email users from around the world. By doing this, it becomes possible for users to flag emails that are spam and those that are legitimate.
Also Collaborative Filtering is one of the most efficient techniques for building a system that can help a user when it comes to recommending best choices based on information from a large number of users.