The lines are “Once in khaki suits, gee we looked swell, Full of that Yankee Doodle-de-dum” This song was popular during the great depression were America was going through difficult economic times and there were joblessness, homelessness, starvation, and a loss of morale nationwide
The main thing in parenting from the start is communication. If you're able to establish factors and have a positive outlook on things, the child would feel less pressure in the first place and would have less chance of developing anxieties over these topics. A suggestion would be if something is actually happening and you must explain to your child, honesty would be important, and it would be very vital to make sure your child does not feel burdened by the issue or feels to blame. If they are very young, around six perhaps, and one of the issues was happening it would be important to talk to them seriously of course, yet with a happy tone, and a nice outlook, telling them it will always be okay and you are always going to be there for them. At the same time, I would not explain every detail of the issue since they would be very young, so just tell them what you feel they deserve to know and respect that they are still a child and their youth is important. At the end of the day, honesty, communication, and able to respect each other always helps in parenting.
Heightened focus is not to stop talking about your feelings about it and how it goes you know it doesn’t mean that you’re going through a relationship and not just want me too much to say something to me you never do that anymore
The answer is the second choice
- Despairing
Description The noun that designates an object perceptible by the senses, as opposed to the abstract nouns, which designate objects only perceptible by thought, is called a concrete noun, or concrete name. Thus, hand, cloud, cat, stone and iron are nouns concrete