I was sleeping when i some how floted out of my body. At first it was scared but sudently i was floting out of my house and soon i was in side the abandon house next to my house. that house had bin abandon for years like almost 25 to this day. In the middle of the first room there was a mirrow that was covered by a old dusty cloth; suddently the cloth fell to the ground. As i got closer to the mirrow i saw my reflection but it stated to change the hair started to turn white its eyes turned red its skin turned pail and it had to pink cheecks. the figure started to reach out the mirrow as it did its skin stated cracking like the mirrow. The figure reched out to me and sayed "You did this to me!" As soom as they sed that i woke up in my bed in a cold swet panting as if a was running. A fuw days later i was looking throu my old scketch books and i found a drawing of the same figure its name was Shadow. Heres a pic to show you.
to lead
a CONDUCTor LEADs a band. apply that here.
can you take a better picture please
The Blue Umbrella, a good work of Ruskin Bond. Through this book, Ruskin Bond tells about the story of Binya, a young charming girl in a village of Himachal Pradesh. had a beautiful blue umbrella which was popular among the villagers.
And a shopkeeper named Ram Bharosa who have a strong envious towards this umbrella and however he want that umbrella at any cost. But Binya didn't give the umbrella to Ram Bharosa. One day the Ram's servant tried to steal the umbrella and he was caught by the villagers. After that the villagers didn't cooperate with the Ram's shop.
Seeing this pathethic situation Binya feels sorry with the Ram Bharosa and she gifted the umbrella to him. In favor to that he gifted her a neckalce with a bear's claww.
The writer described the incidents in a good way which makes the readers to sit and complete the book.
hope it helps...
I like white,loose,linen clothes.