Recognizing Injustice and Facing Responsibility
Grant often criticizes his society. He bitterly resents the racism of whites, and he cannot stand to think of Jefferson’s unjust conviction and imprisonment. For most of the novel, however, he does nothing to better his lot. He sarcastically claims that he teaches children to be strong men and women despite their surroundings, but he is a difficult, angry schoolmaster. Grant longs to run away and escape the society he feels will never change. Like Professor Antoine, he believes no one can change society without being destroyed in the process.
Jefferson’s trial reinforces Grant’s pessimistic attitude. Grant sees the wickedness of a system designed to uphold the superiority of one race over another. He sees a man struck down to the level of a hog by a few words from an attorney. He sees a judge blind to justice and a jury deaf to truth. These injustices are particularly infuriating because no one stands up to defy them. The entire town accepts Jefferson’s conviction with a solemn silence. Even Grant stays silent, resisting his aunt and Miss Emma, who implore him to teach Jefferson how to regain his humanity.
Kindly check explanation
The quantity theory generally represented by the formula:
Where ;
M, money supply, that is monet in the economy
V, velocity of money, which shows the rate at which money is used to obtain a finished product.
P ; average price level
T ; volume of transactions, good and services transacted in. the economy
The quantity theory explains how variation in the quantity of money in circulation within an economy causes variation in the price level of goods and services.
From the money quantity theory, we can observe a proportional relationship between quantity of money supply and the price level of goods. With more money in circulation, people are able to increase their demand for goods and services. Increase demand drives prices Hence, causing inflation.
Because he thought wisdom was more important than using his instincts. He forgot that in life you need to balance wisdom and your instincts to survive.
True. If the audience is slow to respond to your question, you should answer it yourself rather than let there be silence. When speaking in public, these questions are considered rhetorical and doesn't really need to be answered, this should be part of your speaking script. This stirs the audience, but then you need to answer it yourself to transition to another point.