in the microbiology world, is used to determine O Capability of a microbe to perform a specific enzymatic activity. O Staining characteristics. O Nucleic acid-base composition of DNA sequences.
Almost all coal that is used today has its origins in the Carboniferous period. The Carboniferous period was a warm and wet one, with the majority of the land being swampy and covered with dense rainforests of ancient tree species. By the end of this period, the climate quickly changed, resulting int he collapse of the rainforests. As the trees were dying out, they were falling in the swamps, quickly being covered by the mud, so remaining largely preserved. Over time they got exposed to higher pressure and temperatures as they were getting deeper into the crust, eventually resulting in the formation of the coal.
population density I hope this helps
Could RNA have provided a template for DNA assembly, thereby enabling a more stable molecule that is replicated more accurately?
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that the question that would best bring about investigation onto this hypothesis would be "Could RNA have provided a template for DNA assembly, thereby enabling a more stable molecule that is replicated more accurately?" as it brings up the most important topic, of how could RNA have developed into DNA?