The kingdom went into decline from the mid-16th century CE when the Portuguese, put off by the interference of Kongo's regulations on trade, moved their interests further south to the region of Ndongo. The latter kingdom had already defeated a Kongo army in 1556 CE.
It pretty much was told that his people were not to get mixed up with the other people, and what they were originating with. Or pretty much, their affairs, if you put it that way. Some heard the term ... 'bad association spoils useful habits'. This is what Washington was worried about. And both John And Tom had to align this case in court I believe. They would have to let the Judge know the situation and everything.
And they key address would be the following:
Washington Court house.
And the key from this was to support their side of the 'family'.
they all agreed on the blessings of liberty.
The right to seek redress for grievances caused by the government is one of the blessings of liberty. Citizens are entitled to access courts and other dispute resolution mechanism to challenge the actions of the government. They can do this without the threat or fear of sanctions and punishment.
Gathered together (a large amount of people)