Defensive Portfolio
Defensive portfolio consist of stocks that are protected from the market movement forces such that they perform acceptably well both during good and bad economic times, much unlike cyclical stocks. The companies within the portfolio are those that manufacture and produce essential goods and services and therefore will also thrive when the economy is in a difficult state.
Many defensive portfolio companies offer dividends with the effect of reducing capital losses.
This is because of the rampant advertising activities that can be done through social media and other platforms related to the internet and the global network. The world has become too small already because of the presence of technology in the form of internet connection. The need for advertising firms is no longer that high because with just a click of a button you can already create your own advertising material and reach as many people as you can. This is the reason why a lot of top global advertising firms have seen a lot of mergers in the recent years of advertising.
The closing entry of the income summary account is shown below:
Income summary A/c Dr $81,300
To Retained Earning A/c $81,300
((Being the difference is credited to retained earning))
The retained earning balance is calculated by taking a difference between:
= Annual revenues - Expenditure
= $185,000 - $103,700
= $81,300
The income summary should always be closed after closing of revenue and expenditure account.
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