Gene recombination refers to the mixture of genes from different individuals that occurs during sexual reproduction. Gene recombination is responsible for mixing between genes, which results in genetic variation in a bacterial population.
Genetic variability in a bacterial population occurs through three types of mechanisms: transformation, conjugation and transduction. However this genetic variation does not occur through Meiosis.
Transformation is the incorporation of free DNA by the bacterial cell. Conjugation is the process of transferring DNA from one bacterium to another, involving contact between the two cells. Transduction is the transfer of genetic material between cells, mediated by bacteriophages.
Mitogens: proteins that turn off negative signals that are blocking cell division.
Hydrogen atoms are compressed
together by the enormous gravitational force
of the sun, causing them to fuse int a helium atom (which is heavier than
hydrogen), subatomic particles and enormous
release of atomic energy. The attached
picture shows the sequence of the main reaction
at the core of the sun.
I think it’s Ribosomes but I could be wrong .. if so sorry
Microorganisms that are involved in the nitrogen cycle are able to break the triple of elemental nitrogen using special enzymes that they have developed and make ammonium. Other organisms like plants are unable to break the triple bond and therefore rely on these microorganisms so that they can absorb the ammonia