For Tom thought of the lands beyond his home, a dream of adventure sprung in his mind, to seek the world's unknown in it's waning light, and cross the bridge to another life. So for Tom to embark 'ere adventure await, and his good friend Bob by his fringe, he crossed the last known bridge to the unknown lands, 'ere to quell his spirit of adventure that festers in him. But what lays ahead in these uncharted lands, Tom knew not though freedom reigns, and his spirit moved towards these undying lands, lit by the sun but never trodden, oh that uncharted land beyond that bridge.
Easiest way to write a summary of a book is to read the first chapter, a few of the middle chapters, a few pages here and there, and the last chapter. Summarize the book, and add little details you think might be important. What do you need help with specifically though?
A team from the French Institute for Oriental Archaeology discovered a unique ramp system..."
Explanation: k-12 and please give me brinlyest
The answer could be that the author wanted to show readers how unjust, cruel, and incorrect prejudices can be. After the main conflict is resolved, the narrator goes on to prove how incorrect everyone's prejudices about the Duvitches were.
I read that book last year :)
1). <em>Duvitch family is the protagonist of the story. They are narrated the most important ones.</em>
<em>2). The antagonist Tom and Andy the definition of 'antagonist' is being someone or something being hostile and actively opposes to.</em>
<em>3).The main conflict is that the people of Syringa Street treat the Duvitches poorly; it is resolved when people get to know the Duvitches and welcome them with friendship and respect.</em>