In a capitalist society, the poor make up the working class that is exploited through their work, generating income and profits for businessmen and tycoons, who continue to get rich and have their needs and desires completed and complemented by the work that the poor perform.
With this, we can confirm that within the capitalist society, wants are often supplemented for the poor, but only the wants of the rich and powerful, the wants of the poor end up being suppressed and often left aside.
Well, first off it tells you the number of valence electrons (because that’s what those are valence electrons) it also tells you how that atom is going to bond with other atoms (whether it will tend to loose or gain electrons when in chemical bonds). It also can show how reactive an element is (if it has eight or in some cases two then it won’t react because that outer shell is full)...basically it tells you the chemical properties of that atom
Two similar chromosomes that you inherit from your parents are called homologous chromosomes.
The correct answer to this open question is the following.
Unfortunately, you did not specify if you refer to a specific place, city, country, or time in history. There is no context or further reference in your question.
That is why we are going to answer in general terms.
It is challenging to choose among options for solving a transportation problem because there are too many vehicles driving in overcrowded metropolises and the current transportation system has not been efficient. Another challenge is that public transportation units are old and do not represent an attractive alternative for people to leave their vehicles at home and use the public transportation system.
Government officials should change the approach of public transportation to make it attractive and efficient, which also includes the refurbishing, reparation, or construction of new highways for public transportation. Safety is another important factor that is part of the transportation ecuation.
Diffusion helps maintain homeostasis so the cell doesn't have doesn't have a build up of waste chemicals. diffusion transports some of the waste to the outside of the cell so the amount of waste doesn't become to high and dangerous.