He then ends up on a beach.
develop a product that can work with or without electricity.
Engineering refers to a branch of cience and technology that deals with the creation, construction and operation of structures, machines and devices that drive machines. Meanwhile, Technology has to do with employing scientific information for practical functions. As a result, a person who works in Engineering and Technology is likely to design functional products with different sources of energy.
By tomorrow night, I will have written the essay.
Answer and Explanation:
A paraphrase consists of rewording something that was said by someone else. That is, we say the exact same thing but with different words. Therefore, let's take the key information provided in the passage and rewrite them with our own words:
<u>- Every hour and a half or so, while we sleep, we go through a period of REM sleep, which is when we usually dream. At the beginning, those periods last around ten minutes only. However, they keep on increasing throughout the night, reaching even the duration of 45 minutes.</u>
Answer:the voynich manuscript is an illustrated codex hand written in an unknown, possibly meaningless writing system