Answer:because more and more new technology has been build therefore the amount of soldiers has decreased
He was basically saying how thanful he is for the prize, but you can read it on your own for the best result :)
The answer is C , now why is the answer C you may ask? ahhh good question that I dont have the answer to all I know is the answer is a C if you dont believe me go read the Bill of Rights and then come back and answer this and then thank me cus I was right all along , your welcome Bruh
In Ancient Rome, the patricians usually had a better education than the plebeians. Boys and girls started being tutored by their fathers or slaves until they were 6 years old. Then, the boys went off to school. They had to get up early and walked through crowded streets while carrying leather shoulder bags. They didn't have beakfast at home.
Hope this helps you lol!
The answer will be Ahimsa