Occurring or being (situated) inside a cell or cells. For example, intracellular fluid pertains to the fluid inside the cell while intercellular fluid is the fluid between cells. Word origin: from Latin intrā- (within) + cellular from Latin cellulāris, equivalent to cellul(a) (live cell).
- <em>Tom: Hi Mike, </em><em><u>Do you like horror movies</u></em><em>?</em>
- <em>Mike: </em><em>No, Not at all, Why?</em>
- <em>Tom: Would you like to come over tomorrow? I am going to watch movies at home.</em>
- <em>Mike: That would be great. </em>
that best suits the conversation!!
Dear, cousin
I have been looking for a job relationship recently and I finally found one interested in. I'm gonna work as a car dealer for Honda in New Jersey. I'm so happy and I can't wait till I start. I start in 2 weeks and This is really gonna change my life.
by, Your cousin
it means that that before u do anything it looks difficult and you dont wanna do it but later after you do that it isn't that u study about the grammar topic ,u think it would be hard and impossible to learn but later when u get the idea u will really know how it is.