The impact of the printing press. The printing press had dramatic effects on European civilization. Its immediate effect was that it spread information quickly and accurately. This helped create a wider literate reading public.
El principal descontento fueron los fuertes impustos que se Les impulso alos habitantes de estas colonias, al punto de encaminar ese decontento en la revolucion americana, y gestar un sentido de iedentidad americana que llevo a la declarasion de la independecia en el año 1776.
A DYNASTY is a series of rulers from the same family.
A Political Dynasty is where a family or group maintains power by controlling the state for several generations.
Examples of a Dynasty are:
*Bourbon Dynasty - a European royal line that ruled in France from 1589 to 1793 and also ruled Spain, Naples, and Sicily.
*Ming Dynasty - the imperial dynasty of China that ruled from 1368 to 1644
In Theocracy, government leaders are members of the clergy and its legal system is based on religious law.
An Empire is a political structure where one state dominates other states. It Empire head is called Emperor or Empress.
Monarchy is a form of government where one or more individual reigns sovereignty until death or abdication. It head of state can be a King or Queen.