1. 15,000 years ago the humans were still hunter-gatherers. Their daily lives were largely based around one thing, finding enough food to survive through the next few days. This means that they had to constantly be on the move, be it for hunting animals, or for finding rich places with eatable plants. There was lot of walking, running, and scouting involved every day. It was a lifestyle of ''living through the day''.
2. During this period of time, the diet of the humans was consisted of animals they hunted, fish, and plants. There were differences from region to region though, so the people that lived along the coastline based their diet on marine animals, the ones that were living in colder regions were eating mostly meat, while the ones living in forested areas or grasslands had combination of plants and meat. The lifestyle in general was moving from place to place, be it on a daily basis, weakly, or seasonally, depending on the conditions. Some of these people were making small shelters, some of which were retractable and they were moving them with them, while others were using caves.
3. There are many difference between the forager peoples and the agriculturalists. The foragers were nomads, thus they were moving very often from one place to another, while the agriculturalists were having a settled lifestyle. The nomads very often had bad injuries which were often fatal, usually because of hunting, while the agriculturalists had much better health because they had much safer lifestyle. The foragers were not able to produce their own food, but instead they were relying on mother nature, while the agriculturalists were producing their own food and had the food problem solved.
The cerebrum/cortex - they're the same thing named differently
Sparse coding
Sparse coding can be described or explained as a situation where items are encoded or represented by strong activation of a relatively small sets of neurons.
It should be understood that neurons code for the intensity of stimulus , and this is done in two ways which are
* Frequency coding...here, the firing rate of sensory neurons increases with increased intensity, and
* Population coding....here, the number of primary afferent responding increases.
In this case, the results derived or gotten from both Arthur's and Roger's faces supported the sparse coding.
Repressor slows down transcription.
RNA Polymerase enzyme transcribes mRNA from DNA.
Promoters are the 100 to 900 bps long sequence of DNA, that helps in the initiation of transcription. The transcription gets slow down as repressor bind to the promoter region hampering the attachment of RNA Polymerase enzyme which is responsible for transcription.
The process of transcription is the conversion of DNA into mRNA as told in the central dogma of molecular biology. Enzyme responsible for transcription is RNA polymerase. It is the first phase of gene expression, where DNA strand is copied into mRNA called a primary transcript.