Try checking the date, it usually helps. When looking at an out-of-date article, you may find some of the information in it to be incorrect. It is best if you use an up-to-date article or print source for work or essay writing.
The answers to 1-3 are :
1. a.
2. a.
3. b.
medical textbook, medical encyclopedia, and i think the last one be magazine artical
Remember that a credit card statement is a periodic billing statements that shows you all the payments, purchases, charges, and all the other transactions made to your credit card, so you can have a detailed information about all transactions made with your credit card. The credit card statement is generated and given to you on monthly biases by your bank or credit card issuer. Since the credit card stamen reflects all the transaction made with your credit card, it is the best resource to look for fraudulent transactions. If you see a transaction way different from your usual ones in your credit card statement, you will have a clear indicator that you may was victim of a fraudulent transaction.
We can conclude that the correct answer is: A: Review your recent credit card statements.
Yes this is True! A person employed by an organization is called the personnel