Psychologists are traditionally concerned with the study of behavior. We believe that many aspects of population, from fertility regulation to migration, may be viewed as examples of human behavior occuring within particular socioeconomic and environmental contexts and thus appropriate for psychological research.
Well with blocked vessels, lets use plaque buildup as the reason for blocked vessels. It's Like trying to match together two puzzle pieces that don't fit. The piece if forced together, will be a tight fit much like how blood cells/platelets trying to fit through a small area. The pressure will be increase because the more pressure that is being put on will help to push blood through a clotted area.

Total distance of one lap of the marathon = 42.2 km
Distance of the lap that is inside the stadium = 400 m
The distance that is run outside the stadium is the difference between the two distances

The distance that is run on the road outside is
<span>Physical fitness is something that constantly needs to be worked on to maintain or improve it. Thus, it has a continuous nature. Think of running a mile. If you train for weeks, you can achieve a faster time. Once you attain the goal mile time that you want, you still have to keep training to further maintain it. However, if you stop running, the time it takes to run a mile will increase, and your physical fitness will decrease. This shows the concept of physical fitness as continuous, because to maintain or improve it, you must continue training.</span>
Is a system that connects with skeletal muscle v<span>oluntary controls the body movements. </span>