Answer:HIV finds the white blood cells, called CD4 cells. HIV gets inside the CD4 cell and makes copies of itself. Then, HIV kills the CD4 cell and the new HIV copies find other CD4 cells to get inside and start the cycle again. HIV kills immune system cells that help the body fight infections and diseases.
ATP acts as an allosteric inhibitor to many of the enzymes involved in metabolism, thus slowing their function.
JM~ Hope this helps you out.....
Tooth length is influenced by natural selection
when you have healthy teeth If you lose one
tooth chances are your other tooth will be
crooked until that tooth grows back in, Your
teeth all help each other keep each other strait.
But if you are not taking care of your teeth than
your teeth will not be strong enough to grow
longer or any bigger.
Respuesta:Newton (unidad) en física, newton (N) es la unidad de fuerza en el sistema internacional de unidades, nombrada así en reconocimiento a issac Newton por su trabajo en la medicina clásica.... es una unidad derivada del sí,que se compone de unidades básicas kg x m x s-2
According to Hardy Weinberg law (p+q)2=1 where p is fequency of one allele and q is the frequency of another allele.
According the question
q represent the short legs and 33 of 100 organism have short legs.
As a result the frequency of q with respect to the 100 organism is 33/100
Therefore q=0.33
we all know that
∴ p+q= 1
∴ p=1-q
p= 1-0.33
The frequency of p is 0.67