The Proust effect.
This is a type of medical explanation for the very strong recollection of memory after being triggered by sensory simulators. The fact that Brad and Angie fell in love created memories within her mind. The one thing that linked Angie to Brads thoughts was his golden retriever, there are strong emotional bonds with the sight, smell and touch.
Seeing the labrador retriever re-triggered those memories and therefore making the Proust effect come into play.
Chemical contamination
Sanitizers are chemicals sprayed on surfaces or substances to reduce the build-up of microorganisms such as bacterial to a safe level. When these substances are sprayed on food by accident, it is categorized as chemical contamination. Sanitizers are not meant to be put on edible products.
Foods that are contaminated by these chemicals are said to be unsafe for human consumption
It protects several basic liberties : Freedom of religion, press, speech, petition, and assembly.
Lord and Nobles (lord of the manor) who fought for king was given Fiefs (Portion of land) in return for their loyalty and services during the feudal system in Medieval Europe. However, king also grants lands known as fiefs to vassals in return of military services so that their land could be protected from Evasion by other rulers and further vassals can grant land to their salves and can ask for produce and services.
They set missions in north America because they wanted to spread their faith.