Amy's readers' club is part of her social environment that influences Amy's everyday experiences.
Environment refers to the <em>context surrounding an individual</em>, that in which he/she develops.
Social environment refers to the <em>immediate social context of an individual</em>, in which he/she develops <em>social interactions</em> with other human beings.
In this case, Amy's readers' club, which forms part of her social interactions, influences in a way her everyday experiences and decisions. This can be seen since she checks to see what is popular before buying a new book.
Pretty sure it was Darwin... While most scholars didn't travel long distances at that time, Darwin did. he experienced in remote areas the diversity of life and evolution of a species.
These words were captured from the writing "The Rhythm of Life" and it was written by Matthew Kelly. What was being highlighted is that person standard can be affected and defined by the people who surrounds them. People cannot be completed and fulfilled of being alone.
Depression. they suffer from depression