The picture is unclear sorry !
Party system
The party system is originated from European scholars, especially James Bryce and Moisey Ostrogorsky
The party system refers to the system and arrangement of political parties in a political system or democratic state. It encompasses such things as the number of parties, party dominance, Party structure and similarities. Giovanni satori is known to have come up with the most preferred ways of classifying party systems. more commonly there are multi-party systems, single party sytems and two party system
Stickers, signs, or other materials can be attached to the front windscreen in the lowest corner, furthest from the driver, within a 5 inch square or within a 7 inch square, in the lowest corner on the driver's side of the windscreen: False
Depending on the State a driver ride in, there are various guideline which clearly stipulate the law concerning stickers,sign or any other material on the front windscreen. For instance in Nebraska, it is unlawful to drive with any sign, poster, or other nontransparent material upon the front windshield, side wing vents, or side or rear windows other than a certificate or other paper required to be so displayed by law and In North Carolina, It prohibited, except those required by law or approved by commissioner.
The size of any stickers, sign or any other material on the front windscreen must not exceed five(5) inches
manifest functions
The definition of manifest functions states that they are open, stated, and intended goals or consequences of activities within an organization or institution.