All the pirates uses their individual key and lock for the locking down of each the four sides of the lid of to the chest. Among the pirates, if three of them decides to open their latches, they can be able to lift the top by essentially using the fourth (locked) latch as a hinge to open the top. (We have several solutions or ways to do this.)
In order to narrow the search and get more precise and more efficient Internet research, Elizabeth should use unique and specific terms, should not use common words, she could use some search engines also (Exploratium, Teoma,...) ..., use different search engines search engines, like Yahoo!, Bing, Startpage, or Lycos.
Project management has to do with the process of achieving a set goal with the help of a team within a specified time. Most times, the main problem that comes with project management is completing the project within the available constraints.
No project can start up without funds, which in this case is called income and this is the part of the project that determines the overall work.