DNA, RNA,Protein,Trait
The DNA is transcribed into the RNA during the process 'transcription'. Then, RNA is later translated into proteins during the process 'translation'. Then the protein is turned into traits.
Over all growth and development cycle
<em>C. elegans,</em> due to its manageability, nervous system, muscle, skin gut and reproductive cycle makes it an ideal model. These nematodes are similar to human systems and lot of the research found can be applied to humans and medicine.
Apoptosis is the programmed cell death and this can be for many reasons such as repair, replace or removal of old or damaged cells. This groundbreaking research has captured the attention of scientist over the decades and many new findings are continuing to evolve.
Some phenotypes that are important in studying apoptosis are: Stress response, growth and development, tumor formation/regeneration and wound healing.
3)LIVER has eukaryotic animal cell
Pyruvate is turned to lactate via a process called fermentation
Pyruvate is the product of the initial stage of cellular respiration called GLYCOLYSIS. Pyruvate is produced in the cytoplasm where glycolysis occurs. The fate of pyruvate i.e. what will eventually happen to pyruvate, is determined by the presence or absence of oxygen.
In the absence of oxygen i.e. anaerobic condition, pyruvate is converted into lactate in a process called FERMENTATION. The NADH produced during glycolysis is reoxidized to form NAD+ in the process.