A. our previous knowledge fills in background information whenever we're understanding an event or conversation.
Betsy wanting to bring Jacob a present and then her shaking her piggy bank to check for money will make most people believe Betsy was checking her piggy bank to see if she had money to spend on the gift.
This is due to the fact that as individuals we employ the use of our previous knowledge fills in background information whenever we're understanding an event or conversation.
The rich red clay soil is excellent for agriculture
Precipitation in the mountains provides water to the entire state. Natural passes through the mountains established trade routes to the midwest.
Overlapping authority is when one individual is rewarded on a different and conflicting basis from another individual. This is the third model in Deil Wright's Overlapping model where he sees that it the important way of predicting or knowing relationships especially political matter.<span />
The judicial branch of the U.S. government is the system of federal courts and judges that interprets laws made by the legislative branch and enforced by the executive branch. At the top of the judicial branch are the nine justices of the Supreme Court, the highest court in the United States
or in other words" confusing"