When deciding whether or not she should buy an expensive sweater, Nadina's id, ego and superego would play a role. These three components of Nadina's personality would respectively play a role as follows:
i) Id- This component of personality is basically known as the pleasure seeking component, without any rationality, logical and regard for consequences. In Nadina's instance her id would play a role in urging her to give into her desire for pleasure and buy the expensive sweater.
ii) Ego- The ego is a part of personality, that serves as a mediator between the pleasure-seeking and irrational id, and practical, real world aspects. The ego is characterized by reasoning and consideration of real-life, pragmatic aspects in the decision making process. Here, Nadina's ego would push her to think of a way to buy the sweater and devise a plan so that this purchase will not set back her finances greatly. For instance, Nadina might decide that if she buys the sweater, she can make up for it and justify the expense by fewer meals out for the next two weeks.
iii) Superego- This aspect of personality includes our morals, beliefs and values which we imbibe from our parents, teachers and other authority figures in society. When making decisions, we take these morals and beliefs into consideration. In Nadina's case, her superego would urge her not to buy the sweater since she cannot afford it and probably needs to spend her money mostly on essentials instead (food, rent, education, children, etc.)
The correct answer is c.) The bystander effect
In social pshychology, The bystander effect is a claim that individuals when they are in group, or surrounded by many people are less likely to help a victim in a situation of need, the greater the number of bystanders the less likely it is that one will provide help. In this case, Mr. Hughes decided not to do something or to help the swimmer exactly becasue of this, he figured out one of the other bystanders would provide the help required by the swimmer, therefore his reaction reflects very clearly the Bystander Effect.
The answer to the question is C
Answer: 1. In order to pass legislation and send it to the President for his or her signature, both the House and the Senate must pass the same bill by majority vote. If the President vetoes a bill, they may override his veto by passing the bill again in each chamber with at least two-thirds of each body voting in favor.
2. The President returns the unsigned legislation to the originating house of Congress within a 10 day period usually with a memorandum of disapproval or a “veto message.” Congress can override the President's decision if it musters the necessary two–thirds vote of each house.
3.When the Supreme Court rules on a constitutional issue, that judgment is virtually final; its decisions can be altered only by the rarely used procedure of constitutional amendment or by a new ruling of the Court. However, when the Court interprets a statute, new legislative action can be taken.
As a cause of the War of 1812, the impressment and ship seizures caused serious diplomatic tension, and helped turn to American public opinion against Britain.
Impressment was widely perceived as humiliating and dishonoring the U.S. because it was unable to protect it's ships and sailors.