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A computer is a machine that can be programmed to accept data (input), process it into useful information (output), and store it away (in a secondary storage device) for safekeeping or later reuse. The processing of input to output is directed by the software but performed by the hardware.
Because it downsized the scale of the computer itself.
See attached file for complete detailed code.
See attached file.
{{5,10,15,20},{25,30,35,40}} is answer where zero is not found.
This program finds zero in giving as arrays of value as a parameter. The program has two loop. One is a row of the array and the other is column loop for each row o an array. For loop is created with a variable namer row and the loop ends with a length of the array of each row.
In side row for loop col loop is created and loop ends with each row-column length of cells. If data in each cell i.e (row, col) calue is zero it returns true and the loop is terminated immediately.
In case if the value of the cell doesn’t found zero it never terminates the loop and continuous loop and returns a false value. Find Zero functions accept the two-dimensional array and check whether cell value is zero. If it is zero found return true otherwise it returns false.