The answer is C) milky way. Earth lives in the galaxy, which is apart of the milky way.
those are nucleotides
since all three of them contain deoxyribose (because there's only one hydroxil group) they are DNA nucleotides
the first nucleotide has cytosine as it's nitrogenous base
the second nucleotide has adenine as it's nitrogenous base
the third nucleotide has thymine as it's nitrogenous base
I know it’s prokaryotic if the helps I’m sorry
Can I have the brainliest?
positive impacts
Animals can be engineered to require less food, grow quicker, and leave behind less evironmentally damaging waste.
-Animals can be engineered to be more resistant to harmful and painful diseases.
-Animals can be engineered to produce more omega-3 fatty acids, to provide leaner meat, and to make more milk.
-Animals can be engineered so their tissues, organs, and cells can be transplanted into humans.
-Animals can be engineered to produce certain substances that offer a new source of medicine.
-Animals can be engineered to reproduce much faster.
negative impacts.
It is unethical.
-Some food companies have refused to use meat or milk that is from genetically engineered animals.
-Some consumers are complaining that the animal drug rules do not regulate genetically modified animals properly.
-This process is potentially dangerous and can be very harmful.
-When engineering animals the natural ecosystem can be disturbed.
-Some animals die in experiments while other are born deformed or huge.
-Animals may live in odd comditions that are affect their natural way of life.
-Most injected eggs do not end up creating a living animal.