substitution - a base was changed
The nucleotide sequence CTT was changed to the sequence CAT. The T was substituted with an A. This changed the encoded amino acid from Glu to Val.
An insertion is where an additional base is added (e.g. if the sequence changed from CTT to CATT)
A deletion is when a base is lost (e.g. if the sequence changed from CTT to CT)
b. It is recommended to go long periods of time without eating to loose weight.
Spending long periods of time without eating is not the right thing to do when you want to lose weight. Spending too much time fasting does not guarantee weight loss, and causes serious illnesses that threaten, among other things, the heart.
A recent survey by nutritionist Roberta Cassani of the Institute of Nutrition in Itu, São Paulo state, shows that the greater the number of hours without putting anything in the mouth, does not help anyone lose weight, on the contrary, fasting causes the increase of the circumference of the abdomen.
According to the scientist, the main reason that prolonged fasting is an enemy of the waist is that the meal set up after this period of scarcity is usually an example of caloric and nutritional imbalance - in the research, fasting usually occurred in the afternoon. “When they have access to food, the greedy individual does not make healthy choices,” explains the expert. Being deprived of energy, the body triggers a whole mechanism that favors the binge eating, the result is that the individual gets fat.
this is true and false but mainly true because we make our own food but sometimes get food from other places.
Because good researchers rely on first hand account or better said primary evidence. The reason why they rely on primary evidence is because it is usually the most reliable. Much more so than secondary or even tertiary evidence. This enables them to understand the history of a certain topic better.
The characteristic of injecting DNA or RNA into the nucleus of a (host) cell corresponds to viruses.
Viruses are not considered living beings, since they are only made up of genetic material covered by a viral capsid and cannot fulfill the functions of a cell. For this reason viruses need to introduce their genetic material into a host cell, to transcribe its genetic code and achieve replication.
Due to their mechanism of reproduction, viruses are biological agents capable of producing disease by altering the conditions of the organisms they use as hosts.