'Aero' means air, which contains oxygen, leading to the name aerobic respiration. Aerobic respiration breaks down glucose and combines the broken down products with oxygen, making water and carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide is a waste product of aerobic respiration because cells do not need it.
Chloroplasts are the organelle that uses chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is in the process of photosynthesis.
The plant is classified as a Monocot.
Monocotyledons have only one cotyledon in the embryo. Its leaf veins are parallel. Its petals are in the multiples of three. It has a fibrous root pattern. It does not have a secondary growth. It does not have a cortex and its stem and vascular system is composed of bundles of vascular tissue scattered all throughout the stem without any specific arrangement.
This compression increases the pressure inside cooker to more than atmospheric pressure which in turns increases the boiling point of the remaining water.
This compression increases the pressure inside cooker to more than atmospheric pressure which in turns increases the boiling point of the remaining water. ... Higher temperature of water means higher transfer of heat to food kept in it and hence the faster cooking.
I remember back in 10th grade I learned that birds that had beaks that were easier to break the seeds carried those traits to their babies and the whole area had that type of beak since it was necessary to break some seeds. So the beaks that were a disadvantage no longer existed and the beaks that became an advantage passed along to all the other birds.
Side note: if they all had the same beak they could all fight for the same type of seeds and probably have some sort of intense competition but idk if that’s necessary