It shows the severity of the temperatures (how hot it is)
Atlanta is in the 70 - 80 degrees region and Columbus and Savannah are in the 80 - 90 degrees region
Robert Yerkes, who lived from May 26, 1876 to
3, 1956 <span> was an </span>American psychologist, pioneer
in the area of industrial psychology. He is also an ethologist, eugenicist and
primatologist. He is best
known in the field of comparative psychology and for his work in intelligence
<span>In Hindu belief, the sum of good and bad actions in one's present and past lives is known as "karma".
</span><span>Karma is a word which means the aftereffect of a man's activities and the activities themselves. It is a term about the cycle of circumstances and end results. As per the hypothesis of Karma, the end result for a man, happens in light of the fact that they caused it with their activities. It is an imperative piece of numerous religions, for example, Hinduism and Buddhism.
The Right-wings are more conservative which would be known by today's standards as Republicans
The English Word Street has been originated from the Latin word "Strada".
The word "Strada" means 'paved road or way'. The word "Strada" in Late Latin is originated from another Late Latin word "sternere" which means 'lay down'.
<u>The English word "street" is a noun which in English means 'a public road which has building constructed on it either on one side or both'.</u>
So, the correct answer is option B.