Answer: <em>Phenakistoscope</em>
The phenakistoscope is referred as the first animation device that was known to create fluid illusions of motions. It is also regarded as one of the first type of motion media entertainment which later paved the road for future motion film and picture industry. example a GIF. It was introduced in Le Figaro, a French newspaper, the term was derived from the Greek word <em>phenakisticos</em> meaning to deceive.
Explicit knowledge: Explicit knowledge is also referred to as expressive knowledge. It is defined as the knowledge that is being willingly articulated, stored, codified, and accessed and can easily be transferred from one person to another. An apprehender's explicit knowledge can be made explicit through the verbal statement.
In the question above, the information Caroline acquired is an example of explicit knowledge.
Routine Activity Theory
The routine Activity Theory is a criminalistic theory that focuses in the day to day life of the offenders and how this affects him when they commit a crime.
The proposers of this theory state that a crime occur when three situations happen:
- a motivated offender (person who commit a crime)
- the absence of capable guardians (the police)
- The availability of suitable targets (the people who will be the victims).
Observing this definition and the example, we can conclude that The view that victimization results from the interaction of three everyday factors: the availability of suitable targets, the absence of capable guardians, and the presences of motivated offenders is called: Routine Activity Theory.