the contact of business people with foreign cultures I am confirming this after getting it right.
Sostre was believed to have been producing molotovs in his basement and organizing looting and arson and similar things so they arrested him. He was eventually moved to a different prison which enabled him to contact his lawyers more and the case developed and people started polarizing over the idea of whether he was a good guy or a bad guy.
He started building the Hall of Mirrors which was about expanding Versailles so that it could house all the nobles from his court. He did this because he believed that they would be under his watchful eye and would not be able to plot against the throne. This was an example of absolute power because nobody would be allowed to say no and nobody would be allowed to do anything not approved by the king.
The president would need the bill to be read by three different parties such as the Executive branch, the Legislative branch and the Judicial branch. These branches have people in their branches that take readings.
first the bill would be handed off to the first reading where it will be looked at and seen what they need to check for mistakes and the want for the law.
Second reading gets looked at again by another group of people and can be rejected but also be rejected at the first
then third goes to the third reading and is passed on to the governor general to be placed into Royal assent where it is officially a law.
A) moving to the cities. I need more characters