Role stain
Role stain is the phenomena which occur when an individual finds it very difficult to fulfill the demands and responsibilities in his/her life. This increases the stress and strain in the individual when he/she fails to meet the expectations of the social roles. In the given case, Anna fails to meet the expectation of being a dutiful daughter and an efficient employee.
How he united the Greeks and Macedonians was the Hellenistic culture which combined different cultures of which he conquered.
An agency within a cabinet department.
An Agency with in a capital department.
An Independent agency and a regulatory agency.
The FBI is the security security service and domestic intelligence agency of the USA. It is the principal law enforcement agency.
NASA stands for National Aeronautics Space Agency of the US federal government. It was founded in 1958 and it is responsible for aeronautics and aerospace research along with civilian space program.
EPA is abbreviated form of Environmental Protection Agency. It is an agency of US federal government, President Nixon proposed the establishment of EPA and it started functioning from December 1970. An agency within a cabinet department.
forcing the opposition to back down.
“Brinkmanship” is the strategic technique that is sometimes practiced in foreign conflicts. <u>It means to push the conflict dangerously close to the active confrontation with the idea opponent shall back down to avoid the violent encounter or, potentially, the war.</u> The strategy relies on power play and chance-taking. While the strategy was performed many times in history, the term was first used by U.S. secretary of state John Foster Dulles.
<u>The term was then popularized during the Cold war as it was the conflict that relied heavily on these kinds of strategies.</u> The most famous example of brinkmanship also comes from this time. It is the Cuban missile crisis. This event is notable because the Soviet Union has placed nuclear weapons on the Cuban land, which is rather near to the U.S. as well as its sphere of influence. In response to the threat, the US blockaded Cuba. These acts show us the performance of brinkmanship on both sides.
The answer is D. Misrepresentation of a material fact.
This element of fraud refers to omitting information in a contract or transcation. The statements might be intentional (negligent misrepresentation) or accidental (innocent misrepresentaton).
In order to claim someone has commited this type of fraud, clear proof must be presented.