Secret 4 is a little different than the oft-repeated slogan, “Those who ignore the past are doomed to repeat it.” Instead, it says that media face the same issues over and over again as technologies change and new people come into the business.The fight between today’s recording companies and file sharers has its roots in the battle between music publishers and the distributors of player piano rolls in the early 1900s. The player piano was one of the first technologies for reproducing musical performances. Piano roll publishers would buy a single copy of a piece of sheet music and hire a skilled pianist to have his or her performance recorded as a series of holes punched in a paper roll. That roll (and the performance) could then be reproduced and sold to anyone who owned a player piano without further payment to the music’s original publisher.
Parliamentary government I believe is the answer you are looking for, I’m almost completely sure but I think so.
Self interest helps achieve society's economic goals because it encourages each economic agent to look for maximum benefits at the minimum cost possible
In economics, self-interest is the idea that the best economic benefit for all can usually be accomplished when individuals act in their own self-interest.
Self-interest refers to actions that elicit personal benefit. Adam Smith, the father of modern economics, explains that individuals usually benefit most from acting in their own interests. According to his theory, the Invisible Hand creates goods and services that benefit both producers and consumers when dozens or even thousands act in their own self-interest.
Economies in which goods and services can be freely exchanged are characterized by self-interest and competition. As a result of these forces, good and services supply and demand as well as their value are influenced.
To know more about Self interest check this:
The knowledge of cost behavior is important for managerial decision making as, having a thorough knowledge about this enables the manager to predict whether any costs will decrease or increase as business activity changes.
For instance, if a production line is nearing capacity, the relevant cost behavior would be to expect a large cost increase (to pay for an equipment expansion) if incremental demand increased by a small amount. Understanding cost behavior is an essential component of cost-volume-profit analysis.
Learn more about Cost Behavior here
The rigth answer is conteined in lether A.
The central argument of the test is exposed by the definifion of virttue itself. In that way we can find the definition, as a part of phylohpic system, as compositon taken by a certain amount emotion and action, with that, follow the "right rule". So the phase that contains that information is the second on the excerpt.