Northern, middle, and southern colonies.
The northern colonies had the largest population of any of the colonial regions and were the most similar in regarding to religion. However, this religious zeal began to give way before a growing economy in the early to mid eighteenth century. Rich merchants began to have more influence than puritan preachers. Fish was New England's major export, but livestock and timber also were major exports in the New England economy which was tied to the Atlantic trade routs.
Economically, the Middle Colonies focused mainly on being self sustaining. They lived on family farms where they grew enough to live on. They did not focus on growing large amounts of cash crops like the Southern Colonies. However, the Middle Colonies did export a significant amount of wheat, which made many colonists in this region very wealthy.
The Southern Colonies also had their own unique traits. The major export in the Southern Colonies was tobacco, which was grown in very large quantities on large plantations. The tobacco business was a very labor intensive process. The southern colonies quickly became the most wealthy region of the British colonies. The wealthiest southerners dominated southern politics and created an oligarchy.
The Carolina slave trade, which included both trading and direct raids by colonists, was the largest among the British colonies in North America,
Correct answer choice is:
Bernini made its main purpose to idealize the beauty of the human form.
Bernini's Baroque technique remained totally unprecedented, letting him overtake old subjects in distinct designs. One of the excellent spots to see this is in his 1624 masterwork, David. David is a life-size limestone statue by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. The statue remained one of the numerous obligations to renovate the villa of Bernini's guide Cardinal Scipione Borghese – where it still remains now, as a portion of the Galleria Borghese.
The correct answer is(B), Local governments only have power that is specifically granted to them by states.
Dillon rule was developed by judge John Forest Dillon. The Dillon rule interprets the grant of very narrow powers to the local government. this rule was important since it aimed at stopping corruption in local government due to the amount of power given to them.
La Guerra Fría comenzó después de la rendición de la Alemania nazi en 1945, cuando la incómoda alianza entre Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña por un lado y la Unión Soviética por el otro comenzó a desmoronarse. ... Los estadounidenses y los británicos estaban preocupados de que la dominación soviética en Europa del Este pudiera ser permanente.