Maybe in atosave, Computers mostly save what your working on :3
The answer is Hypothesis. It is something more than just a wild guess but less than a well-established theory, a theory which can be tested through study and experimentation.. They are assumptions generally believed to be true. They are provisionally accepted in order to interpret certain events or phenomena, and to provide guides for further study.
So here is the code in Python:
n = 0.00 #this is a float because there are some numbers that are decimals.
while n < 20: #n which is 0.00 and while it is lower than 20 if runs the code below
n = n + 1 #it will add 1 to n everything it runs the code.
k = n / 2 #it will divide whatever n is everytime by 2
print(str(n) + '/2: ') # it's printing the number it's on
print(k) # prints the answer for the n.
You can change n to add by any, make n any num instead of 0.00 and you can change the while condition from n < 20 to any other logical statement. If you want to get creative you can take 2 inputs for numbers and make one of them the starting number and other one is the ending number. Also make sure to make n a number lower than you starting point because if you set n as your starting point then it will skip it.
In C++:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
string fname,lname; int num;
cout<<"Firstname: "; cin>>fname;
cout<<"Lastname: "; cin>>lname;
cout<<"4 digits: "; cin>>num;
string login = lname;
login = lname.substr(0, 5); }
return 0;
See attachment for explanation where I used comments to explain each line