Some form of merit selection
Merit selection is one of the several other ways in which state court judges are selected. It involves either a two step or a three-step selection process and has won an increase in acceptance. Many states like Ohio and Texas have actively considered merit selection. Some states, however, are not of the idea and have remained stuck to other judicial selection techniques.
A _comparison_ operator, such as the greater than or less than symbol, can be used in a query criterion to limits the results produced by the query
while string not in {"Quit","quit","q"}:
string=input("Enter line to be reversed") #line of text will be entered
if string!="Quit" and string!="quit" and string!="q": #If quit is not entered
print("Reverse of line is : ")
Enter line to be reversedThis code is in python language
Reverse of line is :
egaugnal nohtyp ni si edoc sihT
Enter line to be reversedHello world
Reverse of line is :
dlrow olleH
Enter line to be reversedquit
Explanation:In the above program, First a while loop is executed and checked if line of text is not 'quit', 'Quit' or 'q'. If condition is true, then loop is executed and in python any string or list can be traversed from end if step is given -1. Similarly line of text is accessed from the last element. If quit is entered, then the program will be broken out of the loop.
1. Option 3
2. Option 2
3. Option 3