During the Nazi occupation, Jewish schools and places of worship were closed. Jewish businesses were also shut down, and a lot of money was confiscated. The Jews were also required to wear the Star of David on their clothing.
The Senate is appointed by a state's legislature and not directly elected by the electorate, with each term lasting six years, whereas representative terms run for only two years. With the benefit of more time, the Senate is more stable meaning that decisions can be followed through on; this also has its pitfalls meaning that Senators don't reflect, always, the current mood of the country. With that said, I think that the Senate should have relatively more stability than the House of Representatives, but perhaps, should be re-elected every 3 years, not 6.
To roll back liberal policies on foreign affairs, abortion, taxation, and government control over american life in general.
Other Populist-endorsed measures included bimetallism, a graduated income tax, direct election of Senators, a shorter workweek, and the establishment of a postal savings system. These measures were collectively designed to curb the influence of corporate and financial interests and empower small farmers and laborers.