The exit function is used to terminate or halt the process.
void exit(int status)
Exit function (exit()) can be used in any function not only main() and it will terminate your whole process.
<u>Example-</u> C Program
#include <stdlib.h>
// function declaration
float exitexample ( float x );
// Driver program
int main( )
float a, b ;
printf ( "\nEnter some number for finding square \n");
scanf ( "%f", &a ) ;
// function call
b = exitexample ( a ) ;
printf ( "\nSquare of the given number %f is %f",a,b );
/*This will not printed as exit function is in exitexample() function*/
float exitexample ( float x ) // function definition
exit(0); //exit function
float p ;
p = x * x ;
return ( p ) ;
Technology is addicting and distracting, just take personal experience. Have you ever had a time when you were on the computer, on the phone, playing games, watching TV, etc. and time flew by? You were procrastinating and should have been doing something else? Were you ever multitasking and paid more attention to technology than what you should be doing? If so, then you have your answer, and from your own experience as well.