2. <em>A reference of type A can be treated as a reference of type B</em> - False
Base class or its objects are not related to their derived class (or its objects).
class A {
int a;
public A() {
a = 7;
class B extends A {
int b;
public B() {
b = 8;
1. <em>After the constructor for class B executes, the variable a will have the value 7 </em>- True.
When an object of a derived class is declared, the constructor of base class is called before the constructor of derived class (is called).
3. <em>Both variables a and b are instance variables </em>- True.
Classes can have instance, or member, variables and methods.
4.<em> After the constructor for class B executes, the variable b will have the value 8</em> - True.
When object of class B is declared, its constructor was called, which initialized variable b to 8.
Profile? Perhaps... If you go on social media sites like Facebook it's typically on your profile, right?
Because C1 and C2 implement the same interface, they both implement whichIsIt. The variable c is known as a polymorphic variable, meaning that it can change from being an C1 to a C2. So, the message c.whichIsIt( ); may invoke C1's whichIsIt or C2's whichIsIt. This can only be known at runtime.
Designers are also responsible for interactive designs where the content changes as it gets updated, as well as screen interfaces that help people navigate through a lot of information. Interaction design differentiates itself from other kinds of design by adding another consideration: responding to the actions of the viewer or user. Editorial design for web and mobile is the most tangible example, including websites and mobile apps for publication. Some digital design involves the presentation of rapidly changing streaming information, also known as data visualization, creating both interactive and non-interactive interfaces. Product design refers to the