If the interest rate decreases, you will be able to pay back the loan in only 58 months, which is 27 months less than with the higher interest rate.
I prepared an amortization schedule using the 21.8% rate, an it would take 85 months to pay of your debt completely. But if the interest rate decreases to 12.4%, it will take you only 58 months.
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B. being unwilling to sell a vase for a price that is greater than the price you would be willing to pay to buy the vase if you didn't already own it
The marginal revenue curve of an oligopolist begins to decline after 500 units of output. Which type of oligopoly does Sweezy's company most likely operate under?
A market system known as an oligopoly occurs when a small number of important sellers or manufacturers dominate a market or an industry (from the Greek words oligos, "few," and v, polein, "to sell"). The result of corporate cooperation to boost profits is typically oligopoly. Numerous industries have been identified as being oligopolistic, including commercial aviation, power providers, telecommunications companies, rail freight markets, food processing, funeral services, sugar refining, beer production, pulp and paper manufacture, and auto manufacturing. Because of the decreased competition, consumer prices would increase and labour earnings will decrease.
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