Think about it 13 divided by 6 can be 2 with a remainder. 6 divided by 2 (round it.) it's 3. Even if we rounded way up, to 3, 6 divided by 3 is still 2. You can make 2 bookmarks per sheet of paper
To offer medical assistance to Third World countries.
The imperialism movement of the 19th century did not show particular concern for the native peoples in the regions they came to control through imperialistic means. There were medical missions and religious missions that accompanied the imperialistic advance into other countries, but those were factors that accompanied the imperialistic advance more than they motivated it.
Also, as a false component of that option, the term "Third World" didn't come into existence until the era of the Cold War. The "Third World" referred to the developing nations that did not align with either of the superpowers, the USA or the USSR. No one was using the term "Third World" in the 19th century.
The correct answer is letter C. Authoritarianism. <span>A government run by </span>authoritarianism is usually headed by a dictator. He opposes communism but promises economic prosperity through strict regulation of all aspects of citizens’ lives. <span>This leader is following which political practice of Authoritarianism.</span>
Two distinct laws passed in Nazi Germany in September 1935 are known collectively as the Nuremberg Laws: the Reich Citizenship Law and the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor. These laws embodied many of the racial theories underpinning Nazi ideology. They would provide the legal framework for the systematic persecution of Jews in Germany.
Adolf Hitler announced the Nuremberg Laws on September 15, 1935. Germany’s parliament (the Reichstag), then made up entirely of Nazi representatives, passed the laws. Antisemitism was of central importance to the Nazi Party, so Hitler had called parliament into a special session at the annual Nazi Party rally in Nuremberg, Germany. The Nazis had long sought a legal definition that identified Jews not by religious affiliation but according to racial antisemitism. Jews in Germany were not easy to identify by sight. Many had given up traditional practices and appearances and had integrated into the mainstream of society. Some no longer practiced Judaism and had even begun celebrating Christian holidays, especially Christmas, with their non-Jewish neighbors. Many more had married Christians or converted to Christianity.
According to the Reich Citizenship Law and many ancillary decrees on its implementation, only people of “German or kindred blood” could be citizens of Germany. A supplementary decree published on November 14, the day the law went into force, defined who was and was not a Jew. The Nazis rejected the traditional view of Jews as members of a religious or cultural community. They claimed instead that Jews were a race defined by birth and by blood.
Despite the persistent claims of Nazi ideology, there was no scientifically valid basis to define Jews as a race. Nazi legislators looked therefore to family genealogy to define race. People with three or more grandparents born into the Jewish religious community were Jews by law. Grandparents born into a Jewish religious community were considered “racially” Jewish. Their “racial” status passed to their children and grandchildren. Under the law, Jews in Germany were not citizens but “subjects" of the state.
This legal definition of a Jew in Germany covered tens of thousands of people who did not think of themselves as Jews or who had neither religious nor cultural ties to the Jewish community. For example, it defined people who had converted to Christianity from Judaism as Jews. It also defined as Jews people born to parents or grandparents who had converted to Christianity. The law stripped them all of their German citizenship and deprived them of basic rights.
To further complicate the definitions, there were also people living in Germany who were defined under the Nuremberg Laws as neither German nor Jew, that is, people having only one or two grandparents born into the Jewish religious community. These “mixed-raced” individuals were known as Mischlinge. They enjoyed the same rights as “racial” Germans, but these rights were continuously curtailed through subsequent legislation.
1. Special tribunes would represent the plebeians.
2. The Plebeian Council could pass laws that applied to plebeians.
"Tribunis Plebis" was the Latin term for "Tribune of the people" (the plebs).
"Concilium Plebis" was the Latin name for the Plebeian Council or assembly.
There had been assemblies of the plebeians before 494, but after that date the assembly's actions, under the authority of the tribune of the people, carried more official authority. The creation of the office of tribune, to represent the people and offset the power of the consul, occurred after major conflict between the plebeians and the ruling class (the patricians) in 495-494.