Es la economía mundial la que pensamos que está globalizada. Queremos decir que el mundo entero se está comportando cada vez más como si fuera parte de un mercado único, con producción interdependiente, consumiendo bienes similares y respondiendo a los mismos impulsos. La globalización se manifiesta en el crecimiento del comercio mundial como proporción de la producción (la relación entre las importaciones mundiales y el producto mundial bruto, GWP, ha crecido de alrededor del 7% en 1938 a alrededor del 10% en 1970 a más del 18% en 1996). Se refleja en la explosión de la inversión extranjera directa (IED): la IED en los países en desarrollo ha aumentado de 2.200 millones de dólares en 1970 a 154.000 millones en 1997. También ha dado lugar a que los mercados de capitales nacionales se hayan integrado cada vez más, hasta el punto de que unos 1,3 billones de dólares por día cruza los mercados de divisas del mundo, de los cuales menos del 2% es directamente atribuible a transacciones comerciales.
Si bien no se pueden medir con la misma facilidad, algunas otras características de la globalización son quizás incluso más interesantes. Una parte cada vez mayor del consumo consiste en bienes que están disponibles en las mismas empresas en casi cualquier parte del mundo. La tecnología que se utiliza para producir estos bienes está cada vez más estandarizada e invariable a la ubicación de producción. Sobre todo, las ideas se han convertido cada vez más en propiedad común de toda la humanidad.
To create public sympathy for wartime opponents.
Wartime propaganda can be defined as ideas, informations, allegations, or facts that are spread deliberately and methodically by a party, so as to demoralize, confuse and further it's cause against the enemy.
This ultimately implies that, wartime propaganda is focused on annihilating the will of an opponent to continue fighting in a war by ensuring that their morale is demoralized and broken down.
Hence, creating public sympathy for wartime opponents was not a purpose of wartime propaganda.
The Red Scare or communism was the <span> political system that emerged directly from world war 1.</span>
According to the preamble, the purpose of the declaration is to break up the bond between the King and the colonies because the King as a ruler and as a form of government has not been able to protect or has even purposefully breached the unalienable rights for his own good and against the people.
The three unalienable rights that are listed are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They are self-evident and unalienable meaning that nobody can or should try to take them away from you and you are born with those rights. This is based on the philosophy of John Locke.
According to Jefferson, the primary reason for the existence of a government is to protect these rights. If a government is not protecting these unalienable rights then it should be changed for a new one which is what they want to do to the British crown since it is not protecting them.
According to the declaration, the government derives power from the people who choose it. It is specifically stated that the power of the government comes from the consent of the people to be governed. If the people don't want a government they are allowed to change it.
It is appropriate for the people to abolish their government when the government becomes tyrannical and breaches these unalienable rights and stops protecting people who elected it. This is why he states grievances as to what the king did to hurt the people which is why he should be changed.
Ukraine, it's almost twice the size of Belarus.