B settlers would determine whether a territory would have slavery
The phrase "who governs less governs better" implies that any government that stays out of establishing unnecessary, bureaucratic or restrictive regulations or standards regarding the exercise of political and economic freedoms of citizens and companies of the country will obtain a better result in your government than those governments that do otherwise. This, indeed, is true, given that the governments that interfere the least in the private economy are those that have the best economic results at the end of their mandates.
Regarding Hoover's phrase, it is fallacious. Capitalism does not produce greed, but allows anyone who strives and directs his efforts towards personal growth to do so, without having a socialist state that restricts that growth through the collection of excessive taxes or the confiscation of profits.
Cuz the God (Allah) command to the rich people to give 1 Dollers or any cruency in fourty when someone is a rich mean he have to help the poor and the poor people can have enough food an other thing
Having the horrors of the Great Depression at that time, the American people have already learned their lesson that the government had played a role to the mayhem. Liberal resurgence had started during the administration of John F. Kennedy where he pioneered civil rights movement and implement federal policies for economic stability.
I think both Imperial China and Rome were both able to create a strict government. They were able to create a social stratification that allows people to function according to their designated roles, They were able to enforce a strong military which leads to successful conquest of neighboring states.