That would be what is known as Spyware, a common form of this is known as a "Trojan Horse". This type of malware is typically latched on and hidden within files, such as when downloading a pirated version of a song, game, art-work, etc...
Most probably either F1, F11 or F2 keys assuming that this is a Windows computer
A. An opening at least 30 inches high and 18 inches wide in any wall or partition.
87 66 55
Array is used o store the multiple values with same data type.
the array show a decimal value .66, i assume this is enter by mistake because option has no decimal value.
The index of the array is start from zero, it means the first element store in the array at position zero.
In the for loop the variable 'i' start from 1 not zero and it goes to i<4 means i=3.
So, it access the element from 2 to 4 because the index is position of element less than 1.
Therefore, 87 66 55 print.
A computer is a device whose main function is to process large amounts of information quickly and accurately, and this procedure is done thanks to hardware and software.