Tribes who overran the Roman Empire and brought about the dark ages
It's not any kind of comparison. Disaster is not compared to either man or wife or both. That makes A and B incorrect.
The problem is that both C and D have possibilities.
Discussion Hyperbole
Usually Hyperbole is an exaggeration used to suggest a humorous condition. We would not take the exact meaning seriously but we might take what the hyperbola is suggesting seriously.
Your smile is worth a million dollars to me.
There once was an ad for Camel's cigarettes that said "I'd walk a mile for a camel." People found the double meaning (cigarette and 4 legged animal) catchy. They also responded to the idea of walking a mile for a camel (either one). The point is, would you really walk a mile for either one? It's exaggerated.
These are attributes given to things or animals other than other inanimate things. In your case, your example swallows up man and wife together is a personification because whatever doing the swallowing, normally can't do it.
C <<<<< Answer
The word could be a series of past tense words
I slept late this morning
I bathed late this morning
But the words that make most sense to me is
I ate late this morning
He did not have long to wait. On March 12, having given the Viceroy an extra day, Gandhi and seventy-eight others left his ashram and began to walk the two hundred miles to the seacoast. There, he declared, he would take a pinch of salt from the Indian Ocean, thus violating the laws of the Empire, which declared that only the British could harvest salt.