particulate hypothesis of inheritance
This states that the inheritable factors retain their identity generation after generation.
B. DNA is heated to separate strands
<span>First.PCR reaction</span>
Kidneys : helps in forming urine
Ureter : They are connected to kidney and by peristaltic action transports urine from kidneys to bladder .
Urinary bladder : It is an hollow sac that holds the urine .
Urethra : transports urine from the bladder to outside of the body .
The human excretory system consists of : Kidney ,ureter ,urinary bladder and urethra .The figure is shown below .
Now , as far as functions are concerned we have :
Kidneys : They have excretory units called nephrons that further consist of :
- Bowman's capsule
- PCT (Proximal convoluted tubule )
- DCT (Distal convoluted tubule)
- CT (collecting tubule )
In nephrons urine is formed and via ureter it is transported to a hollow sac like structure called urinary bladder .
This bladder has muscles that cant remain contracted up to longer period )and then voluntary and involuntary it is excreted through urethra .
The process of passing urine is called Micturition .
Vainas sinoviales tendinosas
Las vaina tendinosas o vainas sinoviales son mangas de tejido de protección que se encuentran alrededor de las articulaciones o rodean a los tendones. Estas vainas permiten que los tendones se deslicen suavemente, produciendo un líquido (líquido sinovial) que mantiene al tendón lubricado. De este modo, las vainas tienen como función evitar el roce entre el tendón y el hueso. Las vaina tendinosas conforman un revestimiento de dos capas: una interna unida al tendón y una externa de tejido conectivo.
A natural resources necessary for producion are safeguarded